Sunday, September 25, 2011

Questions politicians don't answer

What right do you have to create new taxes without and against the will of the populace?

Why did the constitution have to be amended to allow for an income tax to begin with?

Why is the tax code so ridiculously convoluted an average individual needs a tax professional or lawyer to understand it?

Why is the government intent on punishing those who make the most of their financial opportunities?

Why is the government so intent on rewarding failure?

Why blah blah blah?

Power unchecked corrupts. Those in power vote to give themselves more power. Before the income tax, money and power were more spread among states and individuals. After the income tax, power and money flowed ever more freely to a central government. No matter how well meaning or benevolent the government may start out, eventually that government will become thoroughly corrupt when it has the power to confiscate money and property from its citizenry. Our founding fathers were not fools - the problems with our government are not a result of an archaic document not fitting the time. The problems are a result of men loving power and money more than their fellow man and from a group of elitists thinking they are smarter than anyone else.

We continue to court oblivion...

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