1) Shut down all immigration for 3 years. It is not without precedent - we have closed the borders before in order to allow for previous years immigrants to settle in and more or less become "American." We used to care about being Americans, not hyphenated Americans. We were a melting-pot, not an increasingly balkanized nation.
2) Shut down DHS, return its authorities and responsibilities to the FBI, CIA, NSA, Border Service, and DoD. We don't need an extra department spending more money and doing a worse job of keeping America safe. Layers of bureaucracies endanger America by slowing down collection and analysis of threats and hindering response to those threats. Intelligence gathering and analysis by CIA, FBI, DoD, etc must be streamlined and these departments must share such intelligence more readily.
3) The Southern Border MUST be secured. A contiguous barrier system must be built and manned. The National Guard along with Border Service will handle security until the barriers are fully constructed and tested. Tunnel systems between the countries will be closed or co-opted to serve American interests. Drug cartels attempting to operate through the border will be considered the same as terrorists and will be exterminated.
4) Enhanced Interrogation will be S.O.P. for terrorists. Gitmo will remain open so long as we capture terrorists, and it will be where we conduct interrogation until we execute the non-uniformed combatants who have made war against us. Any person who engages in terrorism against the United States has forfeited any right to trial and any rights that preclude enhanced interrogation.
5) Withdraw from the U.N. and remove their presence from the United States. This nation is a sovereign country needing no international cooperation, mandate, or laws to govern us. We have a supreme law in our constitution. The U.N. does not, and has not looked-out for our interests as a nation; on the contrary, the U.N. and it's corrupt members have sought to undermine our laws, our influence, and our ability to defend ourselves and our interests worldwide. They have eaten up our resources and taken advantage of our hospitality by attempting to elevate themselves to rule over us. We have allies, and we have treaty organizations.

"The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism."
-- PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein, 1977
(If you want to read more about this, see Joseph Farah's excellent post Myths of the Middle East)
7) Stop playing the Iranian's game and start cracking down on state sponsored terrorism around the globe. We need to restore our enemies fear. Peace does not come to those who beg for it but to those who are strong enough to take it.
--------End Part 1---------
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