Saturday, June 3, 2017

London, Terror, and Western Societies

  "Criminals thrive on the indulgence of society's understanding." - Ducard, Batman Begins 2003

  Substitute "terrorists" for "criminals" and the truth of the statement does not change. Another terror attack, or three coordinated attacks as it may turn out to be, has happened in London. London is one of the most diverse cities in the world; supposedly one of the most tolerant, progressive places on Earth. It also happens to have a muslim mayor. It also happens to be home to my sister, her family, and her in-laws. It is one of the most dangerous places to be right now during Ramadan, the muslim holy month, which I am now calling the most violent month of the year. Terrorism always spikes during Ramadan, and it is only getting worse in the West.

   The mayor of this venerable old city deflects on the issue. It is a problem for all big cities he claims (someone call Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York City, I am sure he has a few things to say about that). He also has the gall to act as though climate change is somehow the real problem, not terrorism or the motivation/philosophy behind it. Liberals in my own country (USA USA USA!) are either in denial, including media outlets, or they are hopeful this will get new laws passed and more government control taken over everything (we're the government; we're here to help; give us all your guns, money, and children).

   How about we go about things with some sort of sense. I would say common sense, but it is so uncommon now that I cannot use the term "common sense" for it. You know, it's funny (but it's not) that we can recognize evil on a movie or television screen, but in real life, we are blind to it. Even worse, we have some who seem determined to coddle and cultivate it for their own gain.

  Evil is to be called what it is - evil. Evil is to be rooted out and destroyed. Why is it so hard for people to identify evil and destroy it? In the case of London, as in the majority of terror incidents today, Islam is the root of the problem. Yes, there are plenty of peaceful muslims in the world. Heaven forbid any of them actually take a stand, however, and fight against the vile and violent ones. Now I could pack this post with quotes from the Koran, the surrahs, the hadiths and establish my case that way, but most of you reading have already made up your mind one way or the other. I am not going to persuade you. Truth doesn't care what you think of it. Truth is still the truth if noone believes, and a lie is still a lie. The muslim mayor of London has been lying for a long time - it is a practice called taquiyya, lying to the infidels. He isn't the only one - it is a pillar of Islam. Look it up.

  If you want to stop terrorism; if you want to stop evil; those that practice and teach militant Islam must be stopped. They must either be convinced to change, be captured, or be killed. There is no coexisting with those who seek to kill you.  And make no mistake, the Islamic world seeks to dominate the globe and destroy all other ways of living. The waxing gibbous moon on Islamic countries' flags and on ISIS emblems is the devouring moon - the moon god Allah commands them to conquer all. There is no live and let live with that philosophy. The West must get real - live in the real world. We have indulged crime and terror with our understanding far too long. 

  Those that live by the sword die by the sword. Such is a simple truth, but those who have taken up the sword against the civilized world must be made to feel that sword, feel that truth. Otherwise, the West will die. We truly are courting our own oblivion.


Monday, March 30, 2015

Presidential platform part 2

Without any further ado:

1) Reform the tax code. Whether it be a flat tax, national sales tax, or a combination - the income tax must abolished and the IRS dismantled.  The power to tax is the power to destroy, and since 1913 the United States tax code has been a repugnant affront to the constitution and the American people.

2) Along with the reform in the tax code. there must be an elimination of social programs that steal from the productive and give to those who are able-bodied but unwilling to work.  In addition, the federal government must pull out of public education - government control of education encourages corruption and lowers the standards and performance of educational institutions.  The dumbing-down of the educational system is already evident by its products. Common Core is a disaster. Colleges have become a cesspool, producing not the best and brightest, but lazy, inept graduates unable to think logically much less hold or perform their jobs.

3) As chief executive, I would pursue the prosecution against any laws, federal or state, that would infringe upon the rights protected by the constitution.  Any law that infringed on the freedom of speech, religion, and freedom to keep and bear arms must be attacked - these laws are an affront to America, it's founders, and the people who have fought and died to defend those rights. The Affordable Care Act is a monstrosity that must be repealed.

4) Proper investigations must be held concerning the actions and inactions of this administration and the Clinton's before them. Benghazi, IRS abuses, foreign contributions, voter intimidation and fraud, fast and furious gun-walking, demanding not to enforce immigration laws, attempting to tamper in Israel's elections, whitewater, Waco, travelgate, cattle futures - there have been more transgressions and no consequences. When justice is not executed at the highest level, lawlessness becomes the rule of the land.

5) Abolish Daylight Savings Time.  This has nothing to do with my core beliefs or philosophies - it is just a ploy for votes.

6) Stop the social experimentation in the military. Military standards are designed to keep us safe by making the best possible soldiers out of the best possible candidates.

----------End Part 2----------